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On December 16th we celebrate our 100th #PNDHour, it’s an amazing milestone given that when I began the Twitter chat I had no idea just how successful it would prove to be!

We connect, support and empower those affected by Perinatal Mental Illness across the UK with a weekly Twitter chat every Wednesday 8-9pm. It has connected over 3500 people to date and continues to grow! 

Would you like to help us celebrate? Take a look at the two things below and see if either (or both!) And join in!

First up I am creating a video to celebrate our 100th hour and to show the wide range of people who join in, mums, dads and health care professionals. Simply take a photo like these below, letting us know who you are!


This is my little example!

Add whatever else you like, Twitter name, “recovered” etc. Also if you’d prefer not to have your face on show, get creative, perhaps let a teddy hold the sign for you!

Then send it to me Rosey.pnd@Gmail.com

The second thing you can do to help us celebrate is sign up to our Thunderclap campaign, it’s really simple to do & will tweet/Facebook a short message about #PNDHour at 8pm on December 16th. It Will help us raise awareness of the hour & to celebrate such a big milestone! Sign up here

I just want to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who takes the time out of their day to join the hour. The community wouldn’t be what it is without each and every one of you!

Thank you.

Rosey xx